In this month's Director magazine Peter Cheese offers his 10 top tips for attracting and retaining young people. I'd like to take a quick look at a few of these recommendations:
1) Live your values - as Peter correctly points out, if you make promises during the recruitment process and then don't live up to them, expect problems down the line. Integrity, consistency and aligned values are very important to younger people.
2) Lifestyle choices - younger workers expect, perhaps even demand, far more freedom than companies have been accustomed to providing. If you are to accomodate them for lengthy spells of time you'll need to be flexible.
3) Project and atmosphere of involvement and innovation - collaboration is the name of the game. They want to contribute, to feel that they are making a difference.
The full article is definitely worth a read. If you are a member of the Institute of Directors then you should receive the magazine each month. Otherwise you can sometimes find it in business libraries, I know Central Library in Manchester keeps a copy. Peter Cheese is the author of Talent Powered Organisation.