Perhaps not the sort of statement that someone who devotes so much time to the subject, should be making, but it is dangerously close to the truth: the art of retention is largely just common sense.
Now I know there is a small industry devoted to the issue, with their own secret methodologies, and yes I do have my own too, and it helps to be familiar with the likes of appreciative inquiry, to understand loyalty, to grasp the whole concept of value, but when you get to the essence of retention, it is largely common sense.
While I'm on this subject, I'd just like to remind you of the whole War For Talent fiasco. McKinsey consultants came up with a strategy that looked remarkably similar to the one used by their own firm, then suggested that it was appropriate for others to adopt. Now how does their ABC strategy do when put to the common sense test? You don't need me to tell you that it fails miserably; common sense screams "this is insane!".
So if you find that your budget doesn't stretch to covering the fees of someone like myself, ask yourself - What is the common sense answer to this situation?